
Organizational Athletic Learning + Development (OALD)

My background, experience, and training allow me to merge the acquisition of insight with either physical or athletic activity (it is one of the most effective and efficient ways to identify instinct while having fun and getting a little exercise in). These coaching engagements commonly involve, at minimum, walking and talking, however, they can easily encompass hiking, biking, hitting tennis balls, shooting baskets, kicking a soccer ball, etc. That said, I understand there is not always the time or ability to get out of the office to engage in this type of learning, which doesn’t limit efficacy or impact per se, but OALD does usually make things more fun. Solutions tend to arise more effortlessly, but not exclusively by any stretch. However, given the focus and requirements of OALD, it can only be done with individuals or teams.

Individual Coaching

There’s no better way to consistently experience eliciting the best from yourself than 1:1 coaching. Though each engagement is tailored to the individual client’s needs, coaching affords clients the opportunity to be held accountable on a weekly to bi-weekly basis in support of your goals. This work directly addresses discipline, taking responsibility for action(s), vulnerability, trust, self-care, identification of internal power and disempowerment, and value(s) – sometimes all in the same session. Goals are created, agreements are made, and instincts are both discovered and clarified as insight and leadership clearly evolve. The way you learn and lead is meant to be poignant and empowering.

Team Coaching (2 – 3 individuals)

Working with teams is a value-added way for collective realignment, clarification, efficiency, and connections to take place. Having the luxury of real-time feedback in proximate professional relationships allows useful insight to blossom while also providing visibility into the subjective and objective nature of relating. Safety, candor, effectiveness, perception, intention + impact are all brought to bear. This work can also include occasional (2-3x) to frequent (6x +) individual coaching as a supplement. Like individual coaching, the focus of Team Coaching is on accountability. In addition, there is an emphasis on who you are as a member of this team, what it means to be loyal, being a leader inside and outside the team, along with what you perceive and then collectively agree your role is.

Group Coaching (4 – 8 individuals)

There is no better way to create cohesion, trust, and effectiveness amongst a group when misalignment exists than to engage in Group Coaching. Emphasis is placed on connection and the elements that lead to it, including an understanding of providing useful feedback, tools to enhance empathy, and what truly powerful listening looks and feels like. Group success is measured, monitored, and re-evaluated over the course of the engagement to ensure efficacy of work and connection. Like Team Coaching, safety, candor, perception, intention + impact are all brought to bear. This work can also include occasional (2-3x) to frequent (6x +) individual coaching as a supplement. Like individual coaching, the focus of Group Coaching is on accountability.


Much of the work that gets addressed in coaching is offered through a series of leadership trainings. These highly interactive and engaging modules provide a “shot in the arm” to address specific aspects of relevant skill development that end with commitments participants make to themselves and others, and can be instrumental in honing ability and connection. Additionally, these trainings provide a first-hand experience of what it’s like to engage in ways that don’t necessarily occur or even happen in the workplace. In addition, though the emphasis is on congregational learning, all of the major touch-points covered over the course of individual, team, or group coaching have been condensed into these trainings, including:

  • Breaking down Leadership & Building up Leaders

  • Team Development

  • Providing Positive & Negative Feedback

  • Disagreeing to Agree – the Importance of Conflict

  • Emotional Intelligence

  • Coaching Instinct/Leveling up the Corporate Athlete

  • The Gift of Failure and its Gateway to Success