What to Expect


You get out of this process what you aim for.

If you commit to showing up and facing whatever comes - with an open mind - I am confident you will get the results you seek.

Sam’s mix of humor and ‘getting out of the office’ was a welcome respite from tackling issues in the strict confines of the workplace.
— Scott Lyons, Regional Manager, DPR Construction

I have helped clients have great success through my Organizational Athletic Learning & Development (OALD) approach.

It involves getting out of the office and moving your body.

It’s both a fun stress-reliever and a way to get quick insights into your mental approach to life.

There are two things to know about OALD

  1. you do NOT need to consider yourself an athlete for it to be effective

  2. it isn’t the only way I work, and we can achieve solid results in other ways if needed